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Stress & Trauma

Resolution Therapy

90 minutes • £71 or 3 for £200

This is an unique treatment founded in safety, as healing can occur only in safety. Please feel in safe hands with my background of my own healed traumas, decades of inner work and self development to be in a position to support you release and integrate your own issues.

Offering more than counselling, this embodied treatment facilitates freedom from trauma at source, at nervous system level, for deep level shifts and long lasting outcomes.

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Powerful and Empowering

While the traumatic incident may be very different for each of us, the reaction in our body is the same. Our body reacts as if the trauma is still occurring and it responds by being on high alert, resulting in a range of conditions such as depression, anxiety, PTSD, and more. 

This affects our health and wellbeing in many ways and over time can cause significant illnesses if ignored. 

This treatment communicates directly to your body (the nervous system) to release tension, blockages and free up space for healing to take place physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically.

You are completely in control of your treatment and I will work with you to meet your outcomes and check in every step of the way to ensure you feel okay. I work in an intuitive, attuned and attentive way to treat your tissues with the aim of releasing trauma that is stuck in the body. 

There is no need for you to disclose or discuss difficult subjects, however there is time to do so. I hold the safe and confidential space for this embodied form of therapy as well as offering the experience of an attentive, nurturing massage supporting you to discharge any trauma you're holding onto so that you can build up your resilience and feel better prepared for managing your life.

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Stress & Trauma Resolution Therapy

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