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Sports Massage

60 minutes • £51 or 3 for £140

Your sports massage will focus on the area of injury using specific soft tissue manipulation techniques such as NMT (neuromuscular technique), STR (soft tissue release), and CTM (connective tissue manipulation) to support recovery of your injury.

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Supporting Recovery

Often an injury can be a symptom of something greater than itself such as posture, lifestyle, training techniques, so it is helpful to take into account your whole being rather than just the presenting injury.

The aim is to address these as well as treat the site of injury to avoid a repeat injury and restore balance within the body.

Is this different from a Deep Tissue Massage?

A sports massage is usually focused on a specific area of the body to treat a specific concern, usually sports injuries, whereas a deep tissue massage is often administered across the whole body, or across large areas of the body to relieve muscular pain and tension. Both types of treatment are available to you.

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