Befriend Your Body

Master Your Mind

Live Your Best Life

Discover my proven therapies to help you to feel better, get better and live better.

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Mind Therapies

Head Therapies

Cryo Therapies

Body Therapies

Befriend Your Body Master Your Mind

Live Your Best Life

Discover my proven therapies to help you to feel better, get better and live better.

Begin Your Journey

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Mind Therapies at Embodied Therapies Wigan



Body Therapies at Embodied Therapies Wigan

Body Therapies

Head Therapies

Cryo Therapies at Embodied Therapies Wigan

Cryo Therapies

Befriend Your Body

Master Your Mind

Live Your Best Life

Discover my proven therapies to help you to feel better, get better and live better.

Body Therapies

Did you realise that touch therapy can utterly transform your life for the better?

Touch therapy is deeply healing in this day and age of digital focus, stressful living and often overwhelm. Increasingly we are living in more isolation, disconnected from others and spending far more time married to our devices! Touch can reconnect the body and mind, while connecting you with the deep self-healing potential within yourself.

Touch therapy affords you an opportunity to quieten the mind and drop into the body, resulting in harmony and peace - something we all need these days!

Cryo Therapies

The wonders of cryotherapy are available in various treatments and have a multitude of benefits to offer.

Traditionally cryotherapy is used often to promote faster recovery from injury or surgery, a natural way to manage inflammation and means to improve your training and competition levels.


Surprisingly, cryotherapy offers a holistic approach to wellbeing, as it works on the nervous system, restoring balance to the internal systems, whilst releasing feel good hormones leaving us feeling soothed and uplifted.

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